School District of Columbus Foundation Receives $255,500 In Funding

COLUMBUS- More working families with young children in Columbus and Platte Counties will be able to access high-quality child care due to funding from the American Rescue Plan Act.

16 contracts to Nebraska communities began January 1 to increase child care offerings through new programs or expansion of current providers. One of the organizations selected to receive a contract is the School District of Columbus Foundation. The $255,500 awarded will allow for an increase of 122 child care slots for children ages 0-5 by June 30. Nicole Anderson, Marketing & Foundation Director for the CPS Foundation said funds will be used to complete construction items and to begin recruiting and training staff. Even before the pandemic, 91% of Nebraska counties lacked adequate child care options to meet the needs of their working families.

That deficit has become even more apparent as Nebraska struggles to find enough workers to meet employers’ needs and fuel economic recovery and growth.